Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tehran University International Students Office Website’s Goofs

We’re all aware of the stupid mistakes numerous Iranian people make when they talk or write in English. What I don’t understand is why they persist in doing so. The writing on their domestic yogurt pail becomes Komeil’s joke every time we’re having a fun meal together. He laughingly describes it’s because the yogurt company’s manager has a nephew who is a talented Photoshop junkie—as are many of his fellow Iranians; so instead of calling up for a renowned designer, the nephew is put in charge of designing the whole material, and that explains why it’s written “Pastorized and Hemogenized” over a big-breasted cartoon cow!

But this time, it’s not a bucket of yogurt, gratis designed by an 11-year-old. It’s Iran’s so-called “Mother University”, University of Tehran International Students Office website:

University of Tehran International Students Office Website’s Goofs

Apart from its arguable name “International Students Office,” and ridiculously duplicated material, the following table details their goofs:

#GoofCorrectionWhat comes to mind, immediately
1SutedentsStudentsTouch typing, eh? Learn the spelling before all else!
2UsernamerUsernameI know, this is the captious me, but what does that “r” doing there?
3Join US!Join Us!Do you want us to join you, or the United States, for God’s sake?
4Forget Password?Forgot Password?No, thanks, I don’t wanna forget my password. Ask me if I forgot one!
5(Mother University)the “Mother University”What a dumbfounded denomination!
6students{12 blanks}.students.Wakey wakey! Catnapped while holding down the space key?
7Cheng LangugeChange LanguageThose flags tell me what to do, please don’t write in Uyghur!
8Send To FrindsSend to FriendsI don’t have any! Come again?
9We received n page views since 1388n visitors since 1388Those are radio signals and gifts you “receive,” dumbass!
10© Copy Right all Right Reserved by University of TehranCopyright © 2010 University of Tehran. All rights reserved.I just love that huge copyright sign, Dolce & Gabbana stuff!
11SutedentsStudentsCopied and pasted from the header, gotcha!

I’m wondering, who are these geniuses?